Cheek Enhancement
Cheek Enhancement is a great treatment for all ages and one of our favourite treatments to perform.
A cheek enhancement using dermal filler can not only restore lost volume giving sunken cheeks a plumper look but also provide contour and definition for the younger patient. As we age fat pads in our mid face and cheeks start to diminish and sink which can give a gaunt and hollow look to the face. By restoring volume in this area we can achieve a more youthful appearance.
Furthermore, by lifting the cheek area we can also prevent the formation of lines in the lower face that form due to the cheeks sagging.
Nurse Rachael will never endorse an unnatural or overdone appearance and prefers to work with your natural beauty to provide subtle and flawless enhancements, to make you look and feel great.
As with all treatments there are risks of complications, therefore a thorough consultation is required prior to treatment so please arrange an appointment at our Hythe clinic to ensure this treatment will be ok for you. Swelling and bruising is to be expected with this treatment therefore, please bear in mind any upcoming events or holidays when booking an appointment with Avery Aesthetics Kent.